Year 9 Options

Year 9 is a landmark year for young people. For the first time in their educational career students will have some choice in the curriculum that they are studying. Whilst some students will be excited by the opportunity to focus on preferred subjects and see this as the beginning of a chosen career path; for others it will be a daunting time particularly deciding what to choose at the exclusion of other subjects. With this in mind, we have developed a curriculum offer that embodies choice, balance and diversity, allowing all pupils to select robust and well-regarded qualifications that will serve them well in later life. We have planned our curriculum to support progression to our popular Sixth Form or College, University, apprenticeships and employment.
The GCSE courses that we follow are graded from 9-1. The BTECs are graded from Distinction* to Pass and are run as Level 2 courses.
The purpose of this curriculum guide is to provide you and your child with the information and subject specific detail that you will require as your child makes decisions about their future learning journey.

This is an exciting time for your child as they begin their academic transition journey from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 and start to take responsibility for their future.