Tutor Curriculum

The AGS Tutor System has been designed with the aim of providing our students with purposeful, clear routines from the beginning of their school day. We provide students with a carefully designed tutor curriculum differentiated to support and facilitate the AGS seven-year journey. 

On a week-by-week basis AGS students can be confident in receiving: 

  • PSHE / RSE delivered through our weekly assembly programme.
  • Careers Education delivered through our ‘Learning for the Future’ Programme. 
  • Wider understanding of the world through our current affairs weekly picture news discussion.
  • Literacy learning opportunities.
  • An understanding of Fundamental British Values.
 Year 7Year 8Year 9
Monday  British values: Current Affairs Picture NewsBritish values: Current Affairs Picture NewsBritish values: Current Affairs Picture News
Tuesday  Literacy Week A Numeracy Week BLiteracy Week A Numeracy Week BLiteracy Week A Numeracy Week B
Wednesday  Learning for the futureLearning for the futureAssembly
Thursday  Vote for schoolsAssemblyLearning for the Future
Friday  AssemblyVote for schoolsVote for schools
 Year 10Year 11
Monday  British values: Current Affairs Picture NewsAssembly
Tuesday  AssemblyCore subject intervention
Wednesday  PSHECore subject intervention
Thursday  Learning for the FutureCore subject intervention
Friday  Vote for schoolsPSHE