Student Wellbeing is a priority at Ash Green School. The web page will provide you with further signposting of where you can get support.
If you have anything you want to discuss, then you can contact your progress manager or the following key staff:
Young Carer Designated Teacher & Mental Health Lead: Mrs S Morgan –
At Ash Green School, we use a MACA survey to help identify any students that may be young carers. We have a Young Carer Charter to support students within school and offer a half termly social event for students.
We have a range of support offers available at Ash Green School, this includes counsellors, working with a trailblazing project with the Mental Health in School’s Team where they do low level cognitive behaviour therapy focusing on anxiety, panic, phobia and worry. We can also do referrals to CAMHs.
The school has Mental Health Ambassadors that provides peer support using resources from the Mental Health Foundation.
Mrs Winterburn oversees the medical care plans and works closely with students to ensure that we have an inclusive provision in place to support all students needs.
These free apps mean you can access support wherever you are!
Stressheads: Support to lower our stress levels.
Stay Alive: Support to those who may experience suicidal thoughts/feelings.
Self Help Anxiety Management (Samapp): Support and techniques to help manage anxiety and panic.
Moodometer: Created by the NHS. Allows you to track your moods and what has influenced it. Also provides ways to lift your mood.
Calm Harm: Activities to assist in the management of self-harm.
Grief support for young people: Information about grief, bereavement and the feelings we may experience when we lose a loved one.
Insight Timer: A large collection of free guided exercises to help relieve stress, improve relaxation and wellbeing.
Calm: A large collection of exercises designed to calm us down.
Winston’s Wish: Helpline to support young people with the death of a loved one. 08088 020 021