As a school our primary responsibility is to ensure that our pupils feel safe at all times and that we are able to address any risks to their safety in a timely and appropriate manner. Central to our safeguarding culture is both our continued desire to improve our level of service and our firm belief in listening to and responding to the needs of the child through providing them with an authentic voice.
Therefore, we are pleased and excited to be introducing The Student Voice Page to our school. The Student Voice Page gives students the platform to share information about how safe they feel within school grounds and in the local area through interactive maps and the ability to anonymously report concerns that will be actioned and responded to appropriately.
The Student Voice Page reporting tool is a child-centred, community approach to safeguarding that we believe is vital to developing safer school communities.
Students may login into the system via their devices, when at home, off school site or in a designated space within school. They can write a concern and choose to leave their school email to be followed up, although they may remain anonymous. The Designated Safeguarding Lead and pastoral care team will securely access the system and appropriately respond to submissions that are made.