The Perfect System focuses on identifying students at Ash Green School, that achieve perfection each term; 100% attendance, no lates and perfect behaviour. There are 6 different certificates that students can earn throughout the year;
Even if a student is not perfect in one term of the year, they can earn a perfect reward for showing perfection during any other term throughout the year. The role of the form tutor is to encourage perfection throughout the year, celebrate it when it is achieved and help tutees to understand why they may have not achieved perfection and what they could do to get there next term. On each tutor board the pictures of each tutee that achieves each award will be displayed.
The 100 Club
Students will receive their individual updated attendance every Monday. Students who remain with 100% attendance for the whole year will at the end of the year join the 100 club!! They will be presented with a special badge on the first day of the next academic year, this badge will allow them to que jump for the entire school year!
Form of the week
Form of the Week system will be instrumental in developing a team mentality within form groups, encouraging them to strive forward and achieve perfection.
To motivate students, Form Tutors must ensure that they share the success and identify areas for improvement on a weekly basis. Forms can earn ‘points’ in the form of the cards below and they will then use them to travel round their ‘Formopoly’ board, which is in every form room.
Golden Ticket
Students will receive golden tickets on a Monday morning, one for each student who received 100% attendance for the previous week. Each Golden ticket is one raffle ticket into the huge end of year Attendance raffle, Prizes include:
The raffle will be drawn by Mrs Sharif during the last week of the year!