The PSHE curriculum aims to produce students who are equipped with life skills which allow them to be fully participating members of a fast-changing British and global society. Using the Cre8tive PSHE curriculum, our students will develop a sense of self-worth and confidence to be the best version of themselves. They will mature into individuals who can think independently and critically, and have the knowledge to make informed choices around their physical, mental, sexual, emotional and economic wellbeing.

The spiral nature of the curriculum allows students to revisit areas and explore them at an age-appropriate level and provides our students with opportunities to reflect on and clarify their values and attitudes, allowing them to engage in a meaningful way with a world where values and attitudes may be complex and at times in direct conflict with their own.

The RSE elements of the curriculum allow our students to understand appropriate behaviours which will help them to develop and maintain healthy relationships. This is an important aspect of PSHE. This may be in the form of working collaboratively in a group or pair to produce possible responses to scenarios that students might encounter in life or reflecting on how they will use their acquired knowledge to make positive choices in their own lives as they move through school.

Content and delivery

PSHE education follows the framework provided by the PSHE Association ( This national programme of study covers Key Stages 3 to 4 and is based on three core themes:

1. Health and Wellbeing

2. Relationships

3. Living in the Wider World

This Framework has been further subdivided into six Core Themes using resources the Cre8tive PSHE Curriculum ( have developed, which have all been mapped to the PSHE Association and statutory DfE requirements.

These modules form part of a spiral curriculum, delivering content appropriate to each year group:

• Core Theme 1: Rights, Responsibilities & British Values

• Core Theme 2: Celebrating Diversity & Equality

• Core Theme 3: Relationships & Sex Education

• Core Theme 4: Staying Safe Online & Offline

• Core Theme 5: Health & Wellbeing

• Core Theme 6: Life Beyond School

The programme of study identifies the key concepts and skills that underpin PSHE education and helps schools to fulfil their statutory responsibility to support pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is a requirement; our school adheres to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education.

The programme is taught through a range of teaching methods, based on active engagement in learning. Pupils need opportunities to consider and clarify their values and beliefs and to rehearse and develop enquiry and interpersonal skills. They also need a comprehensive, balanced, relevant body of factual information to inform their present and future choices.


  • At KS3 PSHE will be delivered by a team of PSHE teachers through one 60-minute lesson once per week.
  • At KS4,  PSHE will be delivered by a team of PSHE teachers through one 60-minute lesson once per fortnight
  • At KS5, PSHE will be delivered by Form Tutors and through a Visiting Speakers programme, integrated curriculum themes, assemblies, classroom activities including coaching sessions, enrichment and extra-curricular activities.
  • The weekly tutor time programme also includes key aspects of our PSHE programme with a weekly focus that included careers education and PSHE delivered throughout our in school ‘Accept and Respect’ programme
  • PSHE will be supported by our Assembly Programme which includes delivery from external speakers.

Core Theme Delivery Key Stage 3

 Year 7Year 8Year 9
Autumn 1Life Beyond School: Managing ChangeLife Beyond School: Proud to be meLife Beyond School: Essential life skills
Autumn 2Celebrating Diversity and Equality: Celebrating DifferencesCelebrating Diversity and Equality: DiversityHealth and Well-Being: Body Confidence
Spring 1Health and Well-Being: Puberty and Body DevelopmentHealth and Well-Being: Physical Health and Mental Well-BeingRelationship, Sex Education: Sex, the law and consent
Spring 2Relationship, Sex Education: Friends, respect and relationshipsStaying Safe Offline and Online: Dangerous Society, Online and OfflineStaying Safe Offline and Online: Legal and illegal drugs
Summer 1Rights, responsibilities and British Values: Politics and ParliamentRelationship, Sex Education: Identity, relationship and sex educationRelationship, Sex Education: Contraception and STIs
Summer 2Staying Safe Offline and OnlineStaying Safe Offline and OnlineRights, responsibilities and British Values: Combatting extremism and terrorism

Key Stage 4 Core Theme Delivery

 Year 10 PSHE LessonYear 10 PSHE Tutor SessionYear 11 PSHE LessonYear 11 Tutor Session
Autumn TermHealth and well-Being: Mental Health and Well-BeingRights, responsibilities and British values: British ValuesHealth and Well-Being: Adult Health and Looking after yourselfLife beyond school: Your future and beyond
Spring TermRelationship & Sex Education: Risk, relationships and sex educationLife beyond school: Rights and responsibilitiesRelationship and sex education: Sexual healthStaying safe offline and online: Staying safe
Summer TermStaying safe offline and online: Violence, crime and seeking safetyCelebrating diversity and equality: Exploring world issues