At Ash Green School we believe fundamentally that everyone in our School Community deserves the right to:
The Accept and Respect charter has been designed during tutor time and through student voice.
“Our differences don’t divide us, they are what bring us together.”
The message in this is simple: it states that we will not accept any form of discriminatory behaviour. This includes:
And any other forms of discriminatory behaviour.
Through our Personal Development programme which includes the Tutor time programme, Assemblies, PSHE lessons and enhanced curriculum activities such as work with Humanutopia and Loudmouth theatre company, we learn about the importance of protected characteristics.
United Against Bullying Plus
For the next two years we will be working with the Anti-bullying alliance and Kidscape as part of the United Against Bullying Plus programme. As one of only 18 schools in the country that are part of this programme, this demonstrates our commitment to tackling issues of any forms of bullying in school.
As a United Against Bullying Plus school, our students and parents have access to free online workshops provided by Kidscape. ZAP workshops are free, practical sessions for young people aged 9-16 and their parents or carers. They give help and tools to challenge bullying. If you are interested in applying for one of these sessions please follow the link below.
ZAP Workshops For Children | Help Stop Bullying | Kidscape
If you have a concern, you can speak to your Head of Year, Pastoral Manager and a member of the Safeguarding Team.
NSPC -Bullying and Cyberbullying
Mencap- Advice and support for parents about bullying
Kidsscape- Advice for parents and carers
Respect Me -Anti-bullying guide
National Bullying Helpline-Help and advice for parents and carers dealing with school bullying