
The AGS Way’ Homework

At Ash Green School (AGS) our purpose is to equip all our students with the powerful knowledge and transferable skills they need to succeed in our global community. According to the EEF Homework, in particular tasks that are high quality and linked to lessons, have a positive impact on average (+ 5 months).[i]

Students are expected to complete their Home Learning to the best of their ability. Homework club is provided from 3-4PM on Monday-Wednesday in a computer room for students to complete work and access any online resources.

Homework Schedules are set by departments.

Homework is set on Arbor.

Teachers monitor their students’ engagement with Homework.

Homework tasks are between 30 minutes to 1 hour of work per subject.

Students are given between 7 days and one term to complete Homework, depending on the task and subject.

In general the regularity of homework is set out below, but this is subject to adaptation for specific classes and groups at different times of the year:


  • Weekly = Core subjects Maths, English, Science​ (Due weekly, 7 days)
  • Fortnightly = Geography, History, RE, Languages, Art​ (Due fortnightly, 14 days)
  • Termly = Computer Science, Music, Drama (Due fortnightly to termly)

Key stage 4

  • Core subjects weekly (Due weekly, 7 days)
  • Option subjects fortnightly (Due weekly to fortnightly, 7 to 14 days.)

[i] https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/education-evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/homework