Student Leadership

At Ash Green Academy, we recognise the potential for our students to become Future Leaders- building aspiration and encouraging the values of community, cohesion, collaboration and mutual respect sit at the heart of this. 

We want to encourage all young people from year 7-13 to make a positive contribution to their School community and in so doing will gain valuable experiences in leadership as role-models and team players. 

Our student leaders will have the opportunity to build life-long and transferable skills and foster attributes in demonstrating:

  • A positive attitude towards the school, including commitment to the school aims and priorities.  
  • Their support of a range of school activities and events. 
  • Uphold the uniform, behaviour and attendance policy to a high standard. 
  • An outstanding attitude and commitment to learning 
  • A dedicated sense of responsibility. 
  • A high level of motivation including a willingness to work with and learn from their peers 
  • Confidence and the ability to communicate effectively 
  • Skills in Leadership and team work 
  • Reliability and dedication 
  • Ability to inspire other students and command the respect of their peers 
  • A positive role model  
  • Willing to assist others 
  • Willing to help coordinate/run specific events  
  • Strong communication skills 
  • Strong organisational skills 

Student Leadership will also give our young people to actively engage with charitable causes and make real change in their local community and we look forward to encouraging and empowering our team to plan, design and execute projects and fundraising opportunities to make a difference!